Register to win a free 'gift basket' that includes samples of items we carry everyday at Vintage Pattern Warehouse! Send me your first name and email address through the feedback link and on June 28, 2019, I will pick a random winner to receive the prize.

No purchase necessary to register!
Gift Basket Includes:
Country Cross Stitch Designs in Hardback
Seatreasures Embroidery Kit
Basketry Step-by-Step Guide
Jewelry Connection - 101 jewelry projects
Log Cabin Quilts book
Vintage Star Book 16 Family Sweater Book
Vintage Coats & Clark #306 Ruffled Doilies
Vintage Fisherman's Knits by Beehive
Butterick Pattern 6869 Closet Accessories
1940's retro apron pattern
2 Crochet Hooks 2.5mm and 4.5mm
Scrapbook stickers and button card